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Send Them to Vacation Bible School Send Them to Vacation Bible School

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Send Them to Vacation Bible School

Posted on Fri, May 29, 2015

Sunday, June 14 – Friday, June 19 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm  Sunday - Thursday @ FBC  

Friday picnic @ Fisher Baptist Camp

Vacation Bible School is  coming and  our theme is “Everest”.  Mt. Everest is in Napal and it is the  highest  mountain  peak in the world.  To climb,  it takes many years of planning and rigorous practice.  Knowledge and skill must be considered as one contemplates  scaling its  heights.  Those who have taken on this arduous  task know of its  many pitfalls.  There are jagged rocks, ice, cliffs, high winds, and  snow not to mention the fear of falling.  

 That being said, the living of this life has many pitfalls as well.  They are troubles, heartaches, accidents, temptations, etc.; plus the fact that many will never accept Jesus and fall from His grace.   This is why I encourage parents to send their young people to VBS.  The living of this life is very important to God.  He wants us to live correctly and be prepared for Him some day.  To be prepared, there must be good, adequate, and basic training in the subject and behavior of Jesus Christ.  VBS is an excellent opportunity to aid in the process of knowing, accepting, and living the Christ-like life.  

 Vacation Bible School offers strong Biblical knowledge, good fellowship, appreciation of God’s creation and promotes Christian unity and harmony.  These are all things that Jesus advocated and practiced.  (Luke 10, Luke 15, Matthew 25)

 If you are looking for something that would be a wonderful spiritual event that would yield great dividends for good healthful and holy habits consider sending your young people to VBS.  In this ever-changing world where morals and wisdom seem to be lacking, VBS is a beacon of light to show children and youth the most important truth there is – Jesus Christ?

 We see that the truth everyone must build and train themselves on is Jesus.  So mark down the dates and have your children present and eager to learn.  I believe it will be the best experience they will encounter this summer.  
 Hoping to see you at VBS,

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