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First Baptist Church of Weston First Baptist Church of Weston

Pray for Our Military Pray for Our Military

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Pray for Our Military

Posted on Wed, Mar 7, 2007

Send them Care Packages

To participate in sending care packages to our loved ones in the military, please bringnonperishable wrapped items such as gum, nuts, hard candy, cereal bars, granola bars, gatorade pkts, or cards to the church kitchen by Sunday, March 11th. Christy Werner, wife of member Richard Werner reports, "He is on the job 16 hours a day 7 days a week in Iraq. It means so much to Rich when he receives e-mail or a package! Please remember him in prayer." E-mail and mailing addresses are available on the bulletin board. Please contact the church office to add to the following list: Richard Werner and Jeremy Dempsey

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