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Operation Christmas Child-A Year Round Ministry Operation Christmas Child-A Year Round Ministry

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Operation Christmas Child-A Year Round Ministry

Posted on Mon, Sep 2, 2013

Operation Christmas Child


 Back to School” time is a great time to fill your Operation Christmas Child boxes. Notebooks, pencils, crayons are so valuable to children in other countries. I recently read Running for My Life by Lopez Lomong, one of “Lost Boys of the Sudan” and a US Olympian. He said that they did their lessons in the sand with a stick and were glad to get the education. Notebooks are 17 cents and pencils are 97 cents for 20 in a box at Wal-Mart. We need to share our blessings.

Exciting news! We have, what we call, a full circle, speaker coming to our area. She was a child who received a shoebox in Romania and is now an adult. Her name is Livia Satterfield and she will tell about how a simple shoebox changed her life. I heard her at the conference I attended in Florida and it is a powerful story. That evening one of our younger team members, Deborah Morris, will tell about her recent trip to the Philippines to distribute shoeboxes, too. Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 28, at 6 p.m. at Fellowship Bible Church in Bridgeport on Hinkle Lake Road. (Go on I79 north to the Anmoore exit, turn right and follow route 58 about 3 miles to Deegan Lake Road. If you get to the car wash, you have gone too far.)

This year I would like to set a goal of 200 shoeboxes for First Baptist Church of Weston. We have over 90 pictures in our last church directory. Using the pamphlet, “How You Can Pack Five Shoeboxes For $50”, if each family would pack 5 shoeboxes, we could easily reach that goal and surpass it. Five children will be hearing about God’s love for them. They would also get to go through a 12 lesson course on sharing the gospel and accepting Christ as their Savior. It’s a life changer!

You may wonder why so many of the Operation Christmas Child activities are in the Clarksburg-Bridgeport Area and not here at our church. I am now the Area Coordinator for a 3 county area, Lewis, Harrison and Taylor counties. Our 33 member team includes people from these counties so Harrison County is centrally located. Nancy Rogers, Anna and Georgia are also members of the team. If you feel that God is calling you to be more involved in this ministry, there’s always room for more. There’s no happier place to be than where God wants you to be!

 Lynn, The Shoebox Lady


National Collection Week November 18 – 25


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