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First Baptist Church of Weston First Baptist Church of Weston

Kids in the News Kids in the News

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Kids in the News

Posted on Sun, Mar 2, 2008

February was a busy month for our youth group. They kicked off the month with a Super Bowl Party at the home of Pastor Ken and Allison Miller. Everyone reported a super good evening. They extend sincere THANKS to the Miller family for a memorable occasion.
 On Saturday, February 9, they met at the church where they baked a variety of cookies for shut-ins, sorted and organized valentines, and prepared a roster for deliveries.
 On Sunday, they again met at the church in the afternoon where they decorated Fellowship Hall for the Sweetheart Dinner. Next it was off to deliver cookies and valentines. Deacons provided transportation for their deliveries. They returned to the church where they served the dinner.
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