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Forward In Faith Building Fund Forward In Faith Building Fund

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Forward In Faith Building Fund

Posted on Tue, Sep 2, 2008


Forward in Faith Building Fund

Fund raising goal $75,000. 

Collections to date $35,000.

-The bake sale / car wash at Wal-Mart went very well. We took in over $900. and extend thanks to all who made it a successful fund-raiser. We have another one planned for Saturday, September 20. 

-Cindy Rowan has been very busy with t-shirt and sweat shirt orders.  She can order sweat shirts with crew neck or hoodies. Order blanks are on the bulletin board.

-The hand-stitched quilt made by Linda Turner is beautiful and is on display here at the church if anyone has not already seen it. Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be November 2.

-We have note cards that highlight the stained glass windows. The Postlethwait family took pictures of the windows and had them made into note cards. They can be ordered in the church office or by contacting Maryanne Postlethwait.
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