Posted on Mon, Dec 1, 2008
The youth at FBC continue to be active within our church and community. The youth took a trip to Meadowbrook Mall to view the movie, “Fireproof.” They as well as their adult leaders were deeply moved by this Christian movie.
The youth group also took a Sunday night to fill and wrap show boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Some members are also involved in organizations at the middle school and high school that are collecting canned goods for the needy. At our church’s annual Appreciation dinner several of the youth delivered meals to shut-ins and then waited tables and helped with the dinner. It was a great night to celebrate being in our newly refurbished fellowship hall.
The youth have also been working hard to present their Christmas Chrismon Service scheduled for Sunday evening, December 7. Please clear your calendar and support our youth as they show us how to keep Christ in Christmas.
We will “progress” on Friday, December 19, for our drive through Weston as we enjoy appetizers at the Billers, dinner at the Millers, and desserts at Mike and Stephanie Stout’s. We will not have our regular youth meetings on Sunday evenings during the month of December so we can attend the other church activities that are planned.
-Submitted by Allison Miller
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