Posted on Sun, Oct 7, 2007
By this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." - Acts 20:35 NIV
As you know, the Deacons of our church receive offerings on the first Sunday of each month for the support of their ministry in our community. They have decided to receive a special love offering Sunday, October 7th after each service to go toward a family in need within our church. Let us pray that God will use us to show His love to others. + + + The deacons of our church invite you to share in their ministry at Crestview Manor each Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. during October. We appreciate the following members scheduled to participate:
October 7: Chancel Choir
October 14: Maryanne Postlethwait
October 21: Nancy Hayhurst / Handbell Choir
+ + +
Children Pre-school - 8th grade should meet in sanctuary for practice after 10:45 worship, will have lunch at McDonald’s and go perform at Crestview.
October 28: John Snyder
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