Posted on Fri, May 29, 2009
Melissa Hayhurst, daughter of Robert and Nancy Hayhurst, will graduate from
Melissa has been accepted to
She has been an active member of FBC where she has participated in the youth group, has been a vocal soloist in various worship services as well as Christmas caroling for shut-ins, and has assisted with VBS. Melissa has attended Fisher Baptist Camp,
Jake Rowan, son of William and Cynthia Rowan, will graduate from
Jake plans to attend
Mallory Miller, daughter of Pastor Ken and Allison Miller, will graduate from
Mallory ranks third in her class of 177. She is a member of National Honor Society, is a consistent honor roll student, and was selected to attend
Mallory’s best memories from FBC include camping at Broken Wheel Campground, volleyball with Bill Pratt, Donnie, Brenda, Mike and Stephanie Stout, and cookouts at the Shamblins. Her favorite scripture is
Jeremiah 29:11 which says “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Planning a career in nursing, Mallory is involved in several community activities which expose her to health related issues. She is a fundraiser and walker for Relay for Life and has twice donated hair to Locks of Love. She is certified in CPR and first aid and volunteers at Red Cross blood drives.
Mallory will be attending
Mallory has been very involved in FBC activities including youth group, enjoys being a vocal and instrumental soloist in various services, VBS worker, Christmas caroling to nursing homes, and delivering meals to shut-ins. She has attended Brother’s Keepers and
Darcy Rumbach, daughter of Jim and Pam Rumbach, will graduate from Fairmont State College with an Associate’s Degree in Radiologic Technology. The Radiologic Technology Program is a cooperative endeavor with
She is one of only four applicants selected to participate in the Nuclear Medicine Program offered at
Mary Clark, granddaughter of Lucy Landers, is a 2009 graduate of Glenville State College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and Certification in Special Education. She has relocated to
Kayla Grose, daughter of Tim and Pam Grose, will graduate from Fairmont State College with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Following graduation, she will continue to work at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital on the Medical/Surgical Unit for one year.
Although she has obtained her degree, she must now pass the State Nursing Exam (NCLEX) in order to be a Registered Nurse. In the fall, she will begin the second phase of her education to pursue a Bachelor’s degree.
Kayla has been accepted into the nursing program at
Rachel Goe, daughter of Robert and Jackie Goe, is a 2009 graduate of
Rachel has been employed at Giant Eagle and Woody’s Restaurant in
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