Posted on Wed, Jul 1, 2015
Thanks to all who donated the June food items.
Featured foods for the month of July-canned pasta
(ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs, etc.)
All food items are greatly appreciated. Any time bargains are available, just pick up some extras and share with the Food Bank.
Collection baskets are located at each exit.
Monetary assistance accepted. Can make check payable to Lewis County Food Pantry or to FBC with LC Food Pantry on memo line.
The Lewis County Food Bank was initially formed as part of the Lewis County Family Resource Network (FRN) in 2004. In 2014, the Lewis County Food Pantry branched out on its own and became a non-profit organization that provides emergency food assistance to the community of Lewis County.
Families referred to the Food Pantry for assistance must meet income guidelines, provide proof of income, referral letter (if appropriate), and must call in advance to schedule an appointment.
Perpetual Food Pantry Needs
fruit juices canned fruits
pasta cereals
peanut butter spaghetti sauce
rice canned meats & fish
coffee tea
laundry detergent bar soap
shampoo / conditioner
tooth paste / tooth brushes
cleaning products
The Lewis County Food Bank operates on private donations, local and state food drives, assistance from the USDA & Mountaineer Food Bank, United Way of Lewis, Gilmer & Upshur Counties and our many volunteers.
Recent History
Year Households Individuals
2012 1844 4047
2013 2340 5211
2014 2411 5637
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