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Lewis County All Sports Banquet
Posted on Wed, Apr 30, 2008
The annual Lewis County All Sports Banquet will be held Monday, May 12, at Jackson’s Mill dining hall. Dinner and music will be provided and Guest Speaker will be Steve Carrier, from “The Power Team”. Steve Carrier will be here at FBC on Sunday, May 11, for the 10:45 am worship service as guest speaker. So be sure to mark your calendar and attend worship service with a world renowned athlete who has performed in more than 25,000 school assemblies.
The Power Team, from Dallas, Texas, is a group of world-class athletes who perform feats of strength and use their massive size to enthuse, astound, and grab the attention of today’s students. They deliver contemporary, motivating messages of hope with captivating relevancy to the problems kids face today. Using a visually explosive, positive approach, they confront the key issues that youth are faced with on a daily basis.
Mark your calendar and invite your friends !!!
First Baptist Church
May 11, 2008
10:45 am
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