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First Baptist Church Wellness Initiative First Baptist Church Wellness Initiative

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First Baptist Church Wellness Initiative

Posted on Mon, Jan 21, 2013

Mark your calendar for Sunday, February 10, at 6:00 pm for the kick-off meeting presented by Rev. Holly Faulkner. He will present the program, “Bodies of Christ”, which he developed after making some significant changes to his own life, allowing him to lose weight and become more physically fit.

This program will provide inspiration and practical advice to those wishing to take steps to a healthier body and mind. The program focuses on diet, activity, and spiritual steps we can all put into practice. Each participant will receive a copy of Rev. Faulkner’sBodies of Christ”.

As part of the program, the group will continue to meet each Wednesday at 5:30 pm to offer support, share and monitor success, exercise, and try new, healthy recipes, as well as share a light, nutritious meal. The weekly support meetings will continue through March 27 and will be held in Fellowship Hall.

Participants should pre-register for the program by Friday, February 8. A one-time donation of $10 per participant is requested to cover program costs. To pre-register, or for more information, contact Nancy Rogers at the church office, 304-269-1569.

   Discussion: First Baptist Church Wellness Initiative

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