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2008 Revival 2008 Revival

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2008 Revival

Posted on Tue, Apr 1, 2008

Rev. Mark Stump & Dr. Al Washburn (Guests)

2008 Revival

April 13-16
Sunday through Wednesday

Rev. Mark Stump from Gassaway Baptist Church will be our Guest Speaker each evening, and Dr. Al Washburn will return as our Music Director.

Music Director BIO

Dr. Al Washburn, Allison Miller's father, is presently serving as Organist at Anchor Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. He retired in 2002 from Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon, GA, where he held the position of Professor of Music.

Al is a graduate of Stetson University in Deland, Florida. He holds three degrees from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ruschikon, Switzerland, and has attended seminars at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey. He has served churches in Florida, Georgia, Louisana, and California.

We welcome Dr. Al Washburn back to our church during our revival.


Reverend Mark Stump is the Senior Pastor of the Gassaway Baptist Church where he recently completed his 25th year in that capacity. During his pastorate at Gassaway Baptist Church, Mark has received numerous awards for his outstanding leadership in rural church ministry.

He has served on the Ministry Advisors Council for AB College, WV Baptist Convention Executive Board, served as Moderator of the Elk Valley Association, and directed numerous camps at the West Virginia Baptist Camp at Cowen. Rev. Stump has also led a variety of worlshops throughout the state. He is a recipient of the Rosa O. Hall Award from the Board of National Ministries of the American Baptist Churches USA, and has been a presenter at the National Evangelism Conference in Greenlake, Wisconsin.

Rev. Stump has two adult children, Allen and Stephanie, and two grandchildren, Trey and Molly Ann. He currently resides in Gassaway, WV, with his wife Darlene.

   Discussion: 2008 Revival
Pastor Charagh Roshan (anon) · 16 years, 3 months ago
Dear Sir, Kingdom greetings from Hallelujah Evangelistic Association Pakistan. Hallelujah is a non profit organization. We are working in Rural Areas on these ministries Women, Youth, Sunday school, Children Rights, Education, Health,Sports,Development,Mercy,Pastrol network, Telephonic Prayer, Healing Crusade,Seminars,Gospel Music & Peace Awards and Outreach Evangelism. We want Participant in your coming Training, Conference in 2008 & visit your beautiful Church. For more spiritual learning. Kindly send us Invitation Letters, Brochures and all other information as soon as possible. Name of participant 1- Pastor Charagh Roshan 2- Pastor Qaiser Maqbool 3- Faraz Pervaiz Evangelist We are waiting your good response God bless you all Yours friend in Christ Pastor Charagh Roshan Hallelujah Evangelistic Association P.O.Box 158 Lahore , 54000.Pakistan. Mob:0092-333-4333418
Pastor Charagh Roshan (anon) · 16 years, 1 month ago
Dear Pastor, Kingdom greetings from Hallelujah Evangelistic Association Pakistan. Hallelujah is a non profit organization. We are working in Rural Areas on these ministries Women, Youth, Sunday school, Children Rights, Education, Health,Sports,Development,Mercy,Pastrol network, Telephonic Prayer, Healing Crusade,Seminars,Gospel Music & Peace Awards and Outreach Evangelism. We want Participant in your coming Bible Training ,Conference in 2008 & visit your beautiful Church. For more spiritual learning. Kindly send us Invitation Letters, Brochures and all other information as soon as possible. Name of participant 1- Pastor Charagh Roshan 2- Mr. Asif Gabriel Evangelist 3- Mr. Alfred Joseph Shadi Evangelist 4- Mr.Shahid Rehmat Evangelist We are waiting your good response God bless you all Yours friend in Christ Pastor Charagh Roshan Hallelujah Evangelistic Association P.O.Box 158 Lahore, 54000.Pakistan. Mob: 0092-333-4333418
Pastor Silas John (anon) · 16 years ago
Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ from me, the church and the Bible Preaching Youth. "I cannot do what you can do, you cannot do what I can do, but together we can do great things. Dear Friend in Christ Through him we have received the grace of apostleship, to glorify his name among all the people I am thankful of God for His true preachers that are preaching in all over the world. But sadly there are many places where the people do not know about the God and His Son in real meaning including our country where there mostly churches are using the wrong translated bible this is why mostly Christians are nominally follower of the Christ and have many misconception about the bible theology like trinity, baptism, blessing of the holy spirit But I hope very soon we would have revival in our churches and every soul get his blessing to glorify his name. Salvation is only in Jesus’ name. after visiting your website We are very happy to know your preaching and the work you are doing in his vineyard it is so inspiring for the people who are serving him including us We are working hard to provide the word’s of God in Pakistani churches because Pakistan is the country where the churches do not have even the bible in its real context this is why our mostly preachers are not able to preach the word of God in its real meaning and new generation is worried about it they do not have any solution for the problem you are preaching at many places and God is showering his blessing through you but we are deprived from these yet. Condition is very miserable But God will give us patience in His name Time is very short but the work is much stretched. There are many preachers in Pakistan but they also need some guides to preach by seniors like you most of Pakistani spending their lives like dumb need some revival preaching we have Sunday school, gospel education school for the working children and a church .our people need Bible teacher to learn Holy Bible that's why we want to work in his vineyard with you by organizing preaching seminars and revival crusade we can get revival in our churches so want to invite you for this sacred task we have good team to support you in this task and hope we will see his great blessing in our churches. So please have our request in your prayers and mind. We hope you will make the decision under his will. We will pray for you and the response. Thank You God bless you www.BiblePreachingMinistry
Evanglist Asif Mubark (anon) · 15 years, 7 months ago
We greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First of all, we praise God for this wonderful opportunity to share Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan activities with you. Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan is a non-denominational & non-profit Christian ministry supported by our loving staff, and by the contributions of the community. We are working since 2000. Our vision and calling is to reach the un-reached, un-churched and remote areas of Pakistan. Our purpose is to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). We are dedicated to spreading the Good News of the redemption of mankind by the blood of Jesus Christ in hopes that Pakistani people will accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and receive eternal life. We are doing cottage prayer meetings and open air prayer meetings to the un-reached areas. The areas we are focusing on preaching in Muslim & Hindus, church planting, Sunday school, leadership development Education of children & capacity building. Through Sunday school we develop every part of a child-spirit, soul, and body – through worship, teaching, prayer, fellowship and evangelism and we are committed to see that each child knows Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and is trained for a lifetime of service. We are a fellowship of people transformed by the wonderful saving grace of Jesus Christ and committed to practically share His love with others. We believe in the God of the Bible and have embrace the salvation provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. God is at work through the power of His Holy Spirit, and we are eager to share His love with you. We are a group of believers, committed and dedicated to preaching the Word of God and have been helping the poor and downtrodden people of this area for the past 5 years. We have been working based on the word of God MATTHEW 6: 33. 1st CORINTHIANS 13 1:3. And PSALMS: 82.3-5. We are working under the guidance of the Holy Sprit. This ministry’s has been reaching the people that are still waiting for their first Gospel witness. Now we have been reaching hundreds of most un-reached Villages and thousands of people in PAKISTAN. About Us Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan is a group of committed Christians who are working together to spread the gospel and help others. We are non-denominational. Our goal is to share what the Bible teaches, and not to be focused on doctrinal beliefs. Mission Statement The very existence of Catch the holy fire Ministries Pakistan is to reveal the Glory of God, by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Unique saviour, teaching the Word of God, the Holy Bible of 66 Books, worshiping God in the power of the Holy Spirit, ministering with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and serving humanity for holistic transformation. Vision Statement The prime goal of Catch The Holy Fire Pakistan is to complete salvation of Pakistan especially who believe in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the initial priority is that of the redemption of Punjab and the surrounding places of the Faisalabad district. Objectives Church planting Teaching and preaching of the Gospel Regular worship services Fellowship Prayer Benevolence to members of the congregation in need Missions and outreach to people in need around Pakistan Leadership Seminars What We Do We act upon the Word of God in Acts 1:8 which says "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." By the love of God the Father, the grace of His son Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit we as a ministry witness to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that those who put their faith in Him and the finished work of Calvary so they can receive wholeness in spirit, soul and body. We believe in His promise that one of us can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousands to flight. So we disciple believers are to overcome and stand triumphant in the Word of God, so that they in turn can train others to be victorious and complete in Christ. We Need Partners to Support 1. Orphanage House 2. Community School 3. Ministry Transport 4. Old-age Center 5. Bible Vocational Training Center 6. Sewing Centers for Women 7. Prayer Hall for Crusades 8. Land for Churches 9. Building for Churches 10. Library 11. Bibles, Literatures etc. 12. Computer Centers REQUEST FOR URDU BIBLES Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan have committed to spread the word of God in all those areas where there is great need to share and preach the Gospel. Make the people strong in their faith. For this purpose Catch The Holy Fire Ministries Pakistan is working in rural remote areas. Pastors of the Catch The Holy Fire Ministries Pakistan are going in those remote areas and preach the word of God. We are winning the lost souls in the holy name of Jesus Christ and we are regularly worshiping with these souls. During this outreach programs Catch the holy fire Ministries Pakistan has come to know that many of the remote and rural areas people don’t have their own bibles. Most of them are been called as Christian but empty by Christian teachings. They called them Christians but they don't know about JESUS. Catch the holy fire Ministries Pakistan is committed to provide them Urdu Bible. Urdu is the National language of Pakistan. Every one can read and understand it. So these people can read and study Bibles in their own family and provide their children Christian atmosphere. Being a Christian everyone should have Bible so they could read it every day and could know about Christianity and its belief. We need your kind and generous donation so we could buy Urdu Bibles for these winning souls. God bless you richly, Your brother in Christ, Evanglist Asif Mubark
Evanglist Asif Mubark (anon) · 15 years, 6 months ago
Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord. We all okay by the grace of God we hope you also will be okay by the Grace of God. Dear we want to invite you & your Team in Christ in Gojra/Pakistan for the Jesus Glory. We want to arrange a big gathering one 1000 To people 5 days Healing Crusade & 3 days Pastors Leadership Conference So in this way we give you invitation for the Crusade & Pastors leadership Conference in Gojra/Pakistan. Please give us time for the Jesus glory in Gojra/Pakistan in 2009 We hope and Trust on God that you must give us Time in 2009. We are continuing praying & Fasting for your coming in here in Gojra. We also want to affiliation & work with you in future in Gojra/Pakistan. We want your positive & quick reply as soon as possible for the Jesus Christ. God is good all the Time. God bless you and your Family + Church Your Brother Evanglist Asif Mubrak Catch The holy Fire Ministery Pakistan & Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan-Hour Healing Prayer Center Christan Colony Gojra Punjab Pakistan Telephone0092_301_7234129 email Email website Your Brother Evanglist Asif Mubark

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