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Moms Moms

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Posted on Sun, May 1, 2005

Thoughts from Rev. Miller


May is the month to remember our Mothers. God sure knew what He was doing when He created moms. Some have said that "Good moms are the closest thing to Jesus on earth." I certainly looked up to mine. I believe with all of my heart that she loved me. She did not just say it, she confirmed it through loving acts of compassion.

I remember on one such occasion I was hit by a rock on the Junior High playground in Addison, Illinois. The rock hit me on the right side of my face and broke a blood vessel in my eye. I knew something was wrong because my vision was blurred. Mom, of course, took me to the doctor. He said that I would have to wear patches over my eyes for one whole week. I was scared to death. How would I adjust without any sight? However, my mother came to my rescue. She lead me around by the hand. She fed me hot meals and gave me cold drinks. She read my novel to me "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. She played music to help me pass the time. Who else could have shown so much love, care, and compassion? I often wonder what would have happened to me without my mom.

The same kind of love goes on in our house as well. Allison really looks after the children. I guess that’s why they say when they come home from school and see me first, they say "Where’s mom?". Oh, don’t worry about me. I would not have it any other way. She is their blessed security.

Sadly, I don’t have my mom around anymore. She has passed on to Glory. However, when I do get to heaven, I’m sure I won’t be any different from my children. The first thing I’ll say after being with Jesus is "Where’s mom?". And when I find her, what a blessed reunion that will be!

In Appreciation for Moms, Rev. Miller

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